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André Vard | bionicsounds - Image - Web Opener 2023
André Vard - Strange Days (3D Visual Music Trailer)
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André Vard | bionicsounds

André Vard | bionicsounds

André Vard | bionicsounds



André Vard | bionicsounds


t.b.a. by André Vard

bionicsounds - blue brain (t.b.a.)


Korona - Breaking The Silence (reissue in progress)

Korona - Breaking The Silence (Album)

Korona - Blame (reissue in progress)

Korona - Blame (Album)
André Vard | bionicsounds
André Vard | bionicsounds
  1. Strange Days (Music Trailer) André Vard 0:39

André Vard | bionicsounds

André Vard | bionicsounds
André Vard | bionicsounds

Motion Picture Art

Musical films

André Vard | bionicsounds - Image - Web Opener 2023

André Vard – About Making Music (Trailer 1)

André Vard | bionicsounds - Thumbnail - Elevator

André Vard – Elevator (Trailer Snippet)

André Vard - Join Fediverse - thumbnail

André Vard – Join Fediverse

André Vard - Why (Visual Music Trailer) - thumbnail

André Vard – Why (Visual Music Trailer | Demo-Snippet | 3D anaglyph)

André Vard | bionicsounds


Featured Releases

André Vard | bionicsounds
Koronamusic® HQ. photo by SOAPOP 2007.


Independent Label & Label Service

KORONAMUSIC ® is a free, artist-run, independent music label & label service and the basis of the original nu-metal band Korona ® since 1998. Get all information about Koronamusic’s music business services such as label, label service, production, management, etc., and look at the great artists and bands. Good music stays forever!



Korona ® is the nu metal band that started it all. Born in 1998 under the sign of the solar eclipse, MTV once named Korona the fattest newcomer act to have ever played at Rock am Ring. Located in Germany but multicultural composed of different European countries, Korona proclaim their message in the “City Speak” of English, German, Italian and Yugoslavian, a mix of the languages with which the band members grew up.

Watch the video "It Can't Rain Always"00:38
André Vard | bionicsounds

Shop at koronamusic.com

Merch Collection

Korona - Breaking The Silence - T-Shirt male, black, red, white
André Vard - bionicsounds - signature ice-stix drum sticks, white
Korona - Breaking The Silence - T-Shirt female, black, sliver

André Vard

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